When November 02, 2024 at 5:00pm 3 hrs
Contact East Side Education Foundation [email protected]

We hope you’ll join us on the evening of Saturday, November 2nd, at the historic Hayes Mansion in San José to celebrate the Hall of Fame Class of 2024! This year, 11 exceptional East Side graduates will be inducted, joining 164 current Hall of Famers, including rocket scientists, NFL quarterbacks, bestselling authors, business leaders, and world-famous chefs. 


The last day to purchase tickets is Tuesday, October 22nd.  


DINNER & PROGRAM - 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Use the form on this page to purchase your tickets or a Table Sponsorship (10 seats).

Learn about other Sponsorship Opportunities

Meet the Class of 2024:

Bridgette Y. Loriaux Bauer - Independence, Class of ’93

Domingo Candelas - Evergreen, Class of ’07

Ginelyn Doldolea-Kudsi - Oak Grove, Class of ’94

Maria Garcia - Independence, Class of ’00

Paul Kilkenny - Silver Creek, Class of ’80

Peter Khooshabeh-  Santa Teresa, Class of ’00

Mitsu Kumagai - James Lick, Class of ’57

Peter Ortiz - Independence, Class of ’08

Andres Quintero - Mt. Pleasant, Class of ’99

Nicole Simpson - W.C. Overfelt, Class of ’92

Jeneba Young - Mt. Pleasant, Class of ’07


Special Honoree:

Dale Scott

President of Dale Scott & Company


If you would like to purchase your ticket or sponsorship via check, please email your guest information to [email protected]. Then, send your check to:

East Side Education Foundation
645 Wool Creek Drive
San José, CA 95112


Select your tickets
Individual ticket
Individual ticket
Individual ticket
Donate a ticket for a SJSU student to join us at the Hall of Fame Dinner
Includes 10 tickets + Recognition benefits
Includes 10 tickets + Recognition benefits
Includes 10 tickets + Recognition benefits
Includes 10 tickets + Recognition benefits